Forever Outnumbered with Simon Hooper

Forever Outnumbered with Simon Hooper

Friday 8th June: 19.30pm

Simon Hooper

Balham mums and dads may know Simon Hooper as Father of Daughters. His Instagram profile, which now has nearly a million followers, tells the hilarious and painfully honest truth of being a parent.

From uninitiated parents-to-be to those who know the ropes in families large or small, everyone will find something to relate to in Simon’s hilarious and chaotic tales of his home life – where carpets are 50% glitter and “silence goes to die”.

Simon has turned his side-splitting stories of parenthood into a book Forever Outnumbered and for one night only will be escaping his (delightful) four daughters to join us in Balham.



Venue: The Ballroom, Balham Bowls Club

Price: £10 or £25 including a copy of Forever Outnumbered