Sunday 11th June 2017

Sunday 11th June: 10.00

Sarah Driver

Set in a world of tribes and beasts and mystical powers, Sea is the first book in a brand new fantasty adventure trilogy set aboard The Huntress. Sea-churning, beast-chattering, dream-dancing, whale-riding, terrodyl-flying, world-saving adventure. If you like Northern Lights, The Lie Tree, The Last Wild or Rooftoppers, you'll love Sea.

Sunday 11th June: 14.00

Kapka Kassabova + Jan Rüger in conversation with Joshua Jelly-Schapiro

Join us for a soul-searching journey to the edgelands. Kapka Kassabova’s brilliant book Border, a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week, takes us to the Eastern reaches of Europe, to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey, a region of three alphabets, and reveals for us the human consequences of nationalism and totalitarianism, of the outcome of a narrow focus on identity and ethniticy, of the result of fences and walls.

Sunday 11th June: 17.00

Jay Griffiths

Tristimania tells the story of Jay Griffith’s devastating year-long episode of manic depression, culminating in a long solo pilgrimage across Spain. The book is a rare record of the experience of mania and shows how the condition is at once terrifying and also profoundly creative, both tricking and treating the psyche. In particular, it focusses on how literature might serve to alleviate the suffering and torment of mental illness.