International literary expertise in licensing, live events, publishing & retail
The author of the best-selling Common Ground explains how to find your own piece of edgeland whether in the city or the country. We have included a paperback copy of the book in the entry price so you can follow along with the presentation
Price: £12 including a paperback copy of the book
British Nature writing is enjoying a resurgence of popularity in the UK. But how does it work internationally? Where is the overlap with travel writing and how does it compare with literature from different narrative traditions? Three acclaimed writers in these genres discuss.
Price: £15
Caught by the River join us to kick off the first ever Balham Literary Festival with a special night of live music. Trevor Moss and Hannah-Lou are a DIY folk duo from St. Leonards-on-Sea. Trevor and Hannah have been wooing audiences with their whimsical tunes since 2010, following a successful period with bluegrass outfit Indigo Moss.
Their latest album – Expatriot – was released last October. You can download the title track for free at
After Trevor Moss and Hannah-Lou, Caught By The River will be keeping the party going with a nature-inspired DJ set
Tickets for this event are £7.50 or £10 on the door. Click here to book online or call us on 020 8670 1920